Shannan Widboom, May’s Women’s Scholarship winner, is attending Oregon Health and Science University to pursue her dream of becoming a Nurse. Shannan is ambitious, and hopes that by receiving her nursing degree she will be able to give back to the world through a variety of charitable organizations as well as help her own son with his educational goals.
Shannan was initially inspired to become a nurse by her mother who obtained her own nursing license when Shannan was five. From a young age, Shannan has desired a career where she would be able to help others. After being laid off from her job at a local radiology group, Shannan decided to use her unemployment as an opportunity to go back to school and finally pursue her dream of a nursing career. Despite her family’s economic struggles, Shannan was able to earn all A’s throughout her time studying at community college. It is clear that she is determined to earn her degree and is well on her way to success.
Helping other’s through her nursing career is not the only way that Shannan hopes to make a difference in the world. Shannan is an active volunteer in her community, and hopes that her opportunities to help others through volunteerism will increase with the completion of her degree. Whether she is volunteering as an examiner at a local children’s advocacy center, providing healthcare to underprivileged populations in developing countries or continuing her involvement with the Southern Oregon Meth Project, Shannan will have the opportunity to make a great difference in other’s lives.
I absolutely love what I am learning and cannot wait to put it to use improving the quality of life everywhere that I can serve. There is no greater feeling than to relieve suffering and put smiles on faces. I will serve all my patients with the same high quality of care, compassion, integrity, respect and heart.